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Why should I go to Blackandgold.football to buy my product and not directly to the retailer?




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Blackandgold.Football Store

Very good question to which there are several good answers.

1.  We have relationships with several retailers to find the greatest number of products from which to choose from.  

2.  We search all our vendors to find items on sale from 40% - 75%.  So we're always looking for deals for you.

3.  When you use the Blackandgold.football store, you help in maintaining our web site and mobile apps so we can continue to grow, bring you more features and support the Who Dat Nation.

4.  We are going to continue to grow and expand the types and number of products made available from world wide retailers, we we searching the globe for you to find the best products with the highest quality and the lowest possible prices.  

5.  If we get complaints about one of our retailers, we will take them out of the store and not allow them to participate in commerce with the Who Dat Nation.  We want the best experience for you and if enough complaints about a single retailer, WE WILL THROW THE FLAG FOR PASS INTERFERENCE!